Pidan with Pickled Ginger 皮蛋酸姜

For those that like 皮蛋 pidan, this is one of the easiest ways of enjoying them. I’m not sure why, but adding pickled ginger transforms the taste of 皮蛋 pidan. It’s so easy to prepare that you can easily do this as an appetizer for your friends. Since it’s pretty hard to find young ginger in America, you’re likely better off buying the pink colored pickled ginger. Ginger is grown in Hawaii so my folks pickle them when young ginger is in season and I sometimes bring back a bunch when I visit them.

This is also a well known dish at many Cantonese restaurants, especially in Hong Kong.

There’s not much more to say, try this out if you haven’t yet and I wanted to write this out just because it crossed my mind.


皮蛋 pidan
Pickled ginger

Peel as many 皮蛋 pidan that you will serve. Cut them into 6 pieces. First slice them in half, lengthwise. With each half, slice them into thirds. Plate them on a plate.

Place some pickled ginger to be served with the 皮蛋 pidan on the plate. Enjoy!

pidan and pickled ginger