Green Apple Gin and Tonic - Korean Fruit Vinegar

Green Apple Gin and Tonic - Korean Fruit Vinegar

Now that the weather is warming up, I like to switch over to more lighter cocktails as my default. I’m not sure when it clicked in my mind to make this, but if you haven’t known about these Korean fruit vinegars, they are fantastic. You never drink them straight, but you always dilute them. You can mix them with water, beer, or milk.

However, from making the Slytherin cocktail, I remembered how much work it can be to get fresh granny smith apple juice. While these vinegars do add some artificial flavorings, they’re really good and and also made with real fruit. So the quality of these are way better than any equivalent that would have been made commercially in the US.

This is just for fun, but I thought this ended up in a pretty good cocktail. My only super minor gripe about this is that the fruit vinegar comes premixed with sugars. I’d like it a tiny bit more acidic or bright and I didn’t have any malic acid (tastes more like green apple sour) so maybe I’ll have to get some eventually for this sort of thing.

Recipe: Makes 1 cocktail

1.75 oz Plymouth Gin
0.75 oz CJ Petitzel Green Apple Fruit Vinegar
3.5 oz tonic water

Measure out with water in a glass until you have 6 oz so you know how high the final pour line will be.

Add gin and green apple fruit vinegar. Top with tonic water and with a spoon, give a quick stir. Top with ice and enjoy!

green apple gin and tonic